Nos Bulbes is a Crèche with an active pedagogy that encourages sensory and creative development while respecting the child and the environment.

Our project is ecological, which is why we offer your children :

The values Nos Bulbes





What we plant in children's souls will blossom as they grow, and they in turn will be able to sow a few seeds around them to form a beautiful flower garden.

Nos Bulbes

The space

From July 1st of 2023, our Crèche Nos Bulbes is open. Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 08:00 am to 6 pm.

We are ONE approved, and have a capacity of 21 children. The spaces are designed to provide good development and exploration for the child.


Various activity areas are freely accessible and encourage independence. Delimited play areas are designed in a playful way that leaves room for creativity and interaction between children. Children can also relax in the soft corner and marvel at the snoezelen area, or choose to do some physical exercise in the psychomotor area.

Our pedagogical approach

Our project is based on different teaching methods inspired by Montessori, Locsy, Freinet, etc. Children are masters of their own movements under the benevolent guidance of adults. Babies are capable of learning on their own thanks to their genetic potential, and each child develops at his or her own pace rather than depending on adult intervention.


We respect differences and adapt our environment to promote sensory-motor learning for all types of children. We encourage personal development and self-confidence, so that babies can become fulfilled children. At the same time, we teach good manners so that everyone is respected.


The children are free to come and go in the space, where different play areas are set up. We offer accompanied playtime with the nursery nurses. We also offer a range of workshops inspired by zero waste and in line with our ecological values.


Nothing is imposed, everything is suggested and according to the children’s requests and desires, the staff adapts as best they can to their expectations, because every child is different.


Creative workshops

A place where children meet around an activity
Nos Bulbes offers creative learning workshops to your children, where everyone goes at
their own pace.




Motor skills

Our workshops are meant to be creative and environmentally friendly.
This is the reason why we teach the children about recycling and how
to give a second life to an object.

The childcare team

A team that sows kindness every day

The team is there to ensure that your child has a good time in pre-school with their friends.

Once the welcome period is over, we sing songs for about 15 minutes. This ritual provides the children with a temporal reference of the beginning of pre-school time. We then offer a number of activities, and encourage the children to choose the games they would like to play.

The educators strive to take each child’s request into account, but also take the time to be there for their moments of sadness (e.g. at the beginning of pre-school attendance, after an argument with another child, following the loss of their special toy on the room).

Our staff encourages a healthy development of each child, supporting him or her and advising their caregivers. We feel it is important to have a continuity and dialogue between parents, children and qualified educators.


Director of Nos Bulbes and Early years educator


Come and
visit Nos bulbes

Opening hours :

Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm.


Rue Baron Lambert, 81
1040 Etterbeek

Contact person:
Grâce Cardon